Interactive emergency vehicles for kids! Peekaboo style educational app for toddlers and preschool kids.
This app contains 3 high detailed vehicles with interactive functions to play with:
* police pursuit car
* lifeguard pick-up truck
* rescue truck
+ all vehicles have opening door and compartments, working wipers and front lights!
+ Talking character - Jeff the barn truck driver
Highly detailed graphics and realistic sounds of engines, brakes, sirens, hydraulics etc.
+ beautifully illustrated jigsaw puzzle and coloring book!
Kendaraan darurat interaktif untuk anak-anak! Aplikasi pendidikan gaya Peekaboo untuk balita dan anak-anak prasekolah.
Aplikasi ini berisi 3 kendaraan rinci tinggi dengan fungsi interaktif untuk bermain dengan:
* Polisi mengejar mobil
* Truk pick-up lifeguard
* truk penyelamat
+ semua kendaraan memiliki pintu dan kompartemen terbuka, wiper yang bekerja dan lampu depan!
+ Berbicara karakter - Jeff sopir truk lumbung
Grafik yang sangat rinci dan suara mesin yang realistis, rem, sirene, hidrolik, dll.
+ teka-teki jigsaw puzzle dan buku mewarnai yang indah!
Interactive emergency vehicles for kids! Peekaboo style educational app for toddlers and preschool kids.
This app contains 3 high detailed vehicles with interactive functions to play with:
* police pursuit car
* lifeguard pick-up truck
* rescue truck
+ all vehicles have opening door and compartments, working wipers and front lights!
+ Talking character - Jeff the barn truck driver
Highly detailed graphics and realistic sounds of engines, brakes, sirens, hydraulics etc.
+ beautifully illustrated jigsaw puzzle and coloring book!